Others included Admiral Treuten Teradoc, Admiral Zsinj, and General Sander Delvardus, to name a few. Admiral Blitzer Harrsk was the first Imperial to declare himself a warlord and set up his own mini-Empire, but he would not be the last. However, he lacked the charisma, Force powers, and terrifying presence that both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader used to keep the Empire together. Immediately following the Imperial defeat at the Battle of Endor, Grand Vizier Sate Pestage seized control of the Empire. Immediately after Palpatine's 'first' death (at Endor) Empire fractured into many competing Warlords. Here are details of Imperial succession history, 5 ABY through 138 ABY The answer could be 'Sate Pestage', 'Palpatine's v2.0', 'Xandel Carivus' or 'Jagged Fel', with varying degrees of validity.