In the interest of learning, I took your suggestion. ''Freeze/Bounce/Render/Lock.' You can youtube or google it. 😑 😧įWIW, I've used the term Freeze with other engineers using Cubase, ProTools, and Logic, and they all mean the same thing to those other people, so I'm not sure what other DAWs you're using where it means something else ). So now I know 'FREEZE' is to 'Render/Bounce' a midi clip/file in place inside the daw. I always just recorded the track to an aux. I'm working 12 years in a professional studio and never knew this. I think it might help a lot of users with navigation. I think the naming should change to MIDI RENDER/BOUNCE instead of freeze.
So, I thought 'Freeze' was to lock the clip and that's why i didn't first caught what you meant.
I've found what I was looking for and requested. For years I'd literally thought 'FREEZE' was just another name for 'Clip lock' as how it is in most DAWS - that's why i never bothered to use it. I've always just RIGHT CLICKED on the clip itself and chose 'CLIP LOCK' to lock a clip in place.